Do you love public speaking?

I sure don’t.

So I don’t do a lot of presentations.

But once in a while I’m asked to give a presentation on a general nutrition topic and it might seem like a good opportunity. Maybe the group is my target audience, or maybe I want to help out a group that I know, or maybe I want to build a relationship with the person organizing the program. 


If you’re thinking about giving a talk or presentation but feel a bit overwhelmed, this product will help you feel confident and ready to jump in. 

This PowerPoint presentation covers introductions, general nutrition topics that people want (or NEED) to know about — like balanced meals, hydration, vegetables. The slides are fairly general so that an RD can speak based on experience and answer questions from the audience without hours of preparation.

Slides can be customized / added / deleted / made more or less personal.

The presentation can be adapted for your message / brand / and to direct participants back to your business. 

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