When clients leave their initial appointment with an RD, or head home from a nutrition presentation, often questions rush to their minds like, “What if I go on vacation after starting this lifestyle change?” or “What if I want a treat?” or “What if I feel sick — do I still exercise?” 

This tool is perfect to send in a follow-up email after an appointment or a group session. It’s an opportunity to provide clients ongoing value after their visit with you, and gives them something worth opening their email. 

Knowing clients’ questions before they ask, and providing a practical, evidence-based answer in terms they can understand, increases their trust in you and reassures clients that you are their go-to expert. TIP: Use it as a lead-magnet to collect emails at presentations and during events.

This FREE download is a handy tool that answers common questions that come up after beginning a lifestyle change. This may be duplicated for use with clients.

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