A Dietitian’s Guide to Counting Macros

is a 20 page e-book made for anyone who is interested in learning how to track their macronutrients in a positive, objective way.

Every page is crafted with the client in mind to ensure that no information elicits negative associations with body image or food. In fact, because it is such a sensitive topic I included information about Intuitive Eating and how it compares to macro-tracking.

What Are Macro Nutrients & Macro Cheat Sheet

A brief introduction about each of the macronutrients, similar to what one would learn in a Nutrition Science 101 class.

A beautiful Venn diagram style chart showing a variety of foods and what main macronutrients they provide. Some foods provide only carbohydrates or fat or protein but many of the foods we eat provide 2 or all 3 macronutrients.

Use this tool to help your clients see how foods fit into each category. There is no good and bad language here, just objective information as to which food goes where. This answers the client’s FAQ:

I have X grams of  [macronutrient] left, what should I eat?

How Many [Macro] Do I Need?

This is a very common and individual question. Clients can view what the AMDR’s are and get information about RD’s being the expert to assess their needs.

Sample Meal Plan 

Included is an 1850 calorie meal plans an example with a disclaimer that this is not for everyone’s needs!

Myth Busting:

Busting  the “If it Fits My Macros” myth that might encourage poor nutrient quality foods.

Calorie Nutrient Density Matrix

Help clients see and prioritize foods based on the nutrients they provide but also encourage and embrace foods that are just tasty, cultural, or celebratory.

Mindful & Intuitive Eating

Comparing the differences between these two similar concepts.  Instagram post provided by special guest, Registered Dietitian and Mindful and Intuitive Eating Expert, Gisela Bouvier .


Pros & Cons of Intuitive Eating, Macro-Tracking

The truth is, there are both pros and cons to Intuitive Eating and Macronutrient tracking. With the Pros & Cons sheet (included in this e-book) clients can look at each method and make an educated decision on what is right for them.

10 Dietitian Approved Macro-Counting Tips and Tricks

4 blank food journal templates to document macronutrient intake, goals, positive affirmations.

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