There are a lot of misconceptions about phosphorus and the renal diet. Many patients with kidney disease have never even heard of phosphorus before their kidney disease diagnosis. In particular, clients interested in a plant-based diet for kidney disease may have concerns about the phosphorus content in plant-based foods. Help them feel comfortable with a plant-based diet for kidney disease by utilizing this handout!

This 3-page patient education handout explains exactly what phosphorus is, why it’s important, causes/side effects of high potassium, and information about identifying phosphorus in foods – including the differences between organic and inorganic phosphorus. The 3rd page includes a comprehensive list of ~50 plant-based foods and their phosphorus content – sorted by high, moderate, and low phosphorus foods, and arranged by food type (fruit, vegetable, etc.). Additionally, I’ve included a section on “misconceptions about phosphorus in plant-based foods.” Many patients have told me “I can’t eat peanut butter” or “I can’t eat oatmeal” due to the phos content, but I’ve never found a good handout to help explain and correct these misconceptions. So I created my own!

This handout includes:

  • My Phosphorus Needs
  • What Is Phosphorus?
  • Side Effects Of High Phosphorus
  • Causes Of High Phosphorus
  • The Different Types Of Phosphorus
  • Phosphorus Food Additives
  • How To Remember Which Foods Have Phosphorus
  • List of Phosphorus Content of ~50 Plant-Based Foods
  • Misconceptions About Phosphorus In Plant-Based Foods

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