Plant based diet approaches for CKD involve educating your clients on this super important macronutrient – protein! Clients often find themselves confused about what exactly protein is or how it’s related to the kidneys. This handout makes it clear. It also provides a list of protein foods – both plant and animal.

Additionally, I’ve included a warning that clients should not to attempt to avoid protein entirely in hopes of improving kidney function faster. Oftentimes I see clients trying “plant based for the kidneys” neglect protein foods entirely, eating basically just fruits and vegetables. So this warning reiterates the importance of protein in the body, plus notes the risks and consequences of protein malnutrition.

What is included:

  • What Is Protein?
  • Foods That Have Protein (Animal & Plant)
  • How Protein Relates To Kidneys
  • Warning To Clients Not To Avoid Protein Entirely

NOTE: This handout does NOT include guidance on amount of protein recommended as it is individualized per each client.

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