Dementia-Friendly Finger Foods Tip Sheet

People with dementia are likely to experience challenges when it comes to eating and mealtime. Finger foods can help a person to maintain independence in eating and can increase overall food intake!

Nutrition Problems in Dementia

There are a variety of nutrition problems that can pop up along the dementia journey.  These include poor acceptance of food, difficulty feeding self, and changes in food preferences. Finding solutions to improve these challenges are important to help prevent dehydration and weight loss.

What are Finger Foods?

Finger foods are foods that can easily be eaten without utensils and picked up with one hand.  These handheld foods are typically of regular texture (crunchy or soft) and can also be adapted for mechanical soft textures–those are foods that are soft and can be easily chewed.

A resource for caregivers, family and care facilities

What is Included in the Tip Sheet?

 This resource is in the form of a colorful, printer-friendly PDF file

  • benefits of finger foods
  • clues it’s time for handheld foods
  • 9 tips to help promote dignity and independence in eating

How this resource helps you as RD:

  • allows you to provide quick & easy tips for caregivers, families and care facilities
  • visually appealing, easy to read, done for you resources
  • use as visual tools & talking points during a educational sessions
  • colorful handout/poster for staff education and inspiration

Looking for a LIST OF FINGER FOODS by food group? —> click here!

More Resources for Dementia Nutrition:

If you found this resource helpful, you’ll want to take a look at my other dementia-friendly options:

Dementia-Friendly Finger Food Bundle

Dementia-Friendly Snack Ideas (FREE)

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