Not sure where to start with providing information about exercise/activity for your clients with Diabetes?


This 6 question assessment/checklist will give you a focused guide of what exercise/activity topics to talk about – and it will be a time saver!

The handout is a one page tool/assessment your client will fill out.

It is a checkbox format

It gives you a fast tool to know exactly what exercise/activity topic(s) to talk about with your clients who have diabetes!

The worksheet is part of the Diabetes Activity/Exercise Guidelines Toolkit Package along with other handouts and worksheets.



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  • Getting Started with Activity

    This is a great resource to glean information and to start the conversation around diabetes and activity. Thank you !

    • Thank you for you comments about the Diabetes Exercise Assessment Worksheet. It is a good way to start a conversation about what a client with diabetes knows about activity and managing their blood sugars.

      I appreciate you taking time to fill out the review and to rate the assessment. Juanita

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