Another client walks into your office sharing their plan to try keto, intermittent fasting or are going gluten free because their family member or friend did it and lost x lbs… you quietly think to yourself, “another day of diet culture.” You go on to unpack the diet — what happens in the body, what science says, diets they have tried in the past, why diets fail etc. to try and steer them away from this choice.

I created this set of three quick “cheat sheets” for clients containing basic facts about these three diets– Ketogenic, Intermittent Fasting and Gluten Free (for non celiac/medically prescribed reasons).They serve as a helpful guide as you begin exploring the diet with clients, presenting backed by science facts, takeaways and more, that will hopefully change your clients mind (respecting that it may not).

Each handout is one page and outlines

  • What the diet is
  • What science says
  • Takeaways
  • And more

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