Mind on Nutrition Solutions

is a document for Registered Dietitians to give to their clients to facilitate meal planning, nutrient timing and track their intake and workouts.

  • Provide this journal to your clients before their initial consultation and have them fill it out for # of days. 
  • Include this material in a gym/fitness studio challenge
  • Host a small group nutrition counseling support group and ask members to use this journal

The very blank nature of the journal is meant to facilitate more direction from you (the dietitian) to the client. The RD can choose to tell the client what to track:

  • Food choices,
  • portions,
  • symptoms,
  • time,
  • brand name, 
  • hunger cues
  • fullness cues
  • calories
  • carbohydrates
  • fats
  • proteins

This is great for those who may be triggered by numbers in apps like MyFitnessPal but still require the awareness in order to facilitate true behavior change.

You can be an Intuitive Eating RD or a Macro Counting RD and benefit from this booklet!

There is 1 cover page & 29 templates.

Include this in your monthly nutrition coaching packages to “up level” the value while minimizing your expenses!

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