Helping Patients Win Their Fluid Battles

In addition to diet, fluid status is an important key to each dialysis patient’s success. Each treatment they weight in, and out. Our patients hear phrases like “dry weight,” and “interdialytic fluid gain,” and are told to “watch fluids” or “restrict your salt!” The question is: How many times have we as Renal professionals stopped and thought if the patient truly understands the why, what, and how that stands behind these recommendations? Most importantly, are the staff with-in the unit properly equipped with the knowledge base to help educate the patients?

Nutrition education can go beyond solely the Renal Dietitian, and many clinics encourage their Dietitians to provide frequent in-services to staff on nutrition-related topics. Well, your fluid in-service just became easier, because here it is! This power point presentation is perfect to help educate staff on all things fluid and encourages staff members to be champions for the patient while managing fluids on dialysis. 

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