This product includes 5 pages in Spanish.

Five (5) page educational guide to manage hyperkalemia for all adults with kidney disease including early-stage CKD, dialysis, or post-transplant. Includes:

Page 1: 6 steps to manage potassium

Page 2: Double boiling process to remove potassium from potato (this process can also be used for root vegetables)

Page 3: List of foods with less potassium divided by food group (animal protein, vegetable protein, dairy products, grains). This list includes portion size. For example, potassium in 2 ounces of chicken and 3 ounces of chicken; potassium in 2/3 cup of brown rice and 1 cup of brown rice.

Page 4: List of fruits and  vegetables with less than 200 mg of potassium per serving. This list includes portion size (portion sizes are NOT the same as the carb exchange food list).

Page 5: List of potassium in the fat group. This list includes portion size. An example of how to divide potassium during the day (amount of potassium in meals and snacks) to add up between 2000-3000 mg potassium in a day.

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