I created these guidelines to encourage clients to eat more protein, fruits/veg, etc. without having to count calories.

The way it is designed is for you to figure out which guidelines to use which is just 1 page from the various provided (I calculate calories and go from there – the client does not need to know the calories so it isn’t listed on the actual handout) then provide the last couple of pages that include serving sizes and hunger/fullness scale.

Guidelines included by calories are, in order attached:

  • 1200 calories
  • 1300 calories
  • 1400 calories
  • 1500 calories
  • 1600 calories
  • 1800 calories
  • 2000 calories
  • 2200 calories
  • 2500 calories
  • 2800 calories
  • 3000 calories
  • 3500 calories

Lastly, I may be able to modify or create handouts if you are in need of that. Contact me if so.

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