For the clients who are struggling with meal ideas or just needing support with meal planning, here’s an easy resource to get them started with successful meals at home.  This 2-page resource:

  • provides evening meal ideas for 4 full weeks
  • uses simple meal ideas without special ingredients
  • is family friendly
  • serves as inspiration for nightly meal ideas
  • is flexible so anyone can add their own preferences
  • includes a few meals using leftovers of previous meals on the calendar to improve meal planning skills
  • includes quick-to-prep meals and flexible meals to work with varied tastes in the household
  • includes 1 page of evening meal ideas in a calendar format with open space to fill in dates if desired
  • includes a second page of quick tips for easy meal planning to work along with the calendar of meal ideas

This resource does not provide recipes or ingredient lists, just meal ideas for each night.  This is a starting point to encourage your clients to use their favorite recipe sources and food preferences to make each meal come to reality.  Planning ahead takes the stress out of meals, this is a great tool to guide people toward successfully meal planning.

This Month of Meals:

  • incorporates a variety of foods (beef, pork, chicken, shrimp, cheese, eggs)
  • follows an ‘all foods fit’ theme for family-friendly meals
  • aims for balanced meals by incorporating all food groups
  • does not limit fats, carbs, allergens, or follow any specific diet but could be used as a starting point to make adjustments as needed.

Meal Planning – Recommended Tools

Explore these and other helpful meal planning resources in my Well Resourced Dietitian store HERE.



Quick breakfast menu for busy people                        

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