A 36 slide PowerPoint that you can edit and personalize.  It includes speaking points and multiple patient examples to enhance learning by participants.  This PPT is designed to be given by a RD to other medical professionals (I personally use it a lot for nurses, NP studies, medical students) and to touch on several different nutrition topics.  The goal with this presentation is to provide an overview of these topics -not to go into great detail but to elicit conversation with participants. 

Topics covered: 

  • Basic infant nutrition and formula options
  • Growth trends – comparing CDC and WHO 
  • Growth charts for disabilities and how to interpret growth in those populations
  • Nutrition considerations for children with disabilities including poor PO intake, constipation, reflux, tone and mobility
  • Vitamin levels and treatment 
  • Caloric density 
  • Obesity 

In addition to the PPT I have also included a resource guide (4 pages) that is to be used in conjunction with the PPT for participants to reference during practice examples and to have for future use.  It includes charts on protein, calorie and fluid needs as well as normal eating patterns for children and weight gain goals. 

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