We’ve all heard the saying “Fresh is Best!” and when considering aspects of a Renal diet, this statements holds true for keeping phosphorous and sodium intakes low!

This is a colorful handout that simply highlights a few great fresh items to keep your plate (and belly) full of nutrition foods that are low in phosphorus, sodium, and of course–potassium too. In addition to great options, there are also foods listed that dialysis patients need to be aware of due to high added phosphate, and sodium content! Some of the ideas you will find on this dialysis handout include:

Great ideas:

  • carrots
  • cucumbers
  • peppers
  • raddish
  • berries

Items to limit/ avoid:

  • processed meat
  • cheetos
  • pudding
  • moon pie

Additional tips include- encouragement to cook from scratch, and reminding patients that phosphorous is an extremely common additive that can be found in most packaged food, therefore, fresh is truly best!

*Updated to include QR code!

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