Includes 7 color pages and a blank note page (8 total).

  • Page 1: Definition of a dominant-plant low-protein diet as defined in the article Plant-Dominant Low-Protein Diet for Conservative Management of CKD (Nutrients, 2020).
  • Page 2: List of fruits and vegetables with less than 200 mg of potassium per serving. List of grains with and without gluten.
  • Page 3: List of plant proteins with their content of protein, potassium, carbohydrates, fiber and fat.
  • Page 4: List of fats with their content of calories, protein and potassium.
  • Page 5: Brands of dairy substitutes without phosphate additives. Includes milk substitute (lower and higher protein), lower sugar yogurts, lower sodium cheese, butter and cream cheese.
  • Page 6: Brands of low sugar granola, low sodium breads with and without gluten, veggie burgers without phosphorus additives. Nutritional value of almond flour and chickpea flower. Egg substitute for baked recipes.
  • Page 7: Foods rich in 6 important nutrients in vegan diets: vitamin B12, calcium, omega-3, zinc, iron, vitamin C.
  • Page 8: Blank page to take notes or add extra information.

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