Self-Paced online weight-loss course for your clients!

Would you be surprised to learn the latest statistics show that more than 70% of americans are overweight or obese? While many dieters regain that weight, an important study that tracked successful dieters via the National Weight Control Registry found that over a ten-year time frame, the majority kept it off. I’ve spent much of the last decade helping people on their weight-loss journey, and through my endless hours of research and writing, plus one-on-one coaching, I’ve gathered some important insights and great tips. In this course I plan to share them with you in hopes to help you meet your weight loss goals & stop the yo-yo dieting. To manage weight for the long term, you need to make sustainable changes. It’s less about following a “diet” (low-carb, Paleo, Mediterranean, etc.) but more about what fits your lifestyle. This allows for you to stick with the changes you’ve made. So the next time you’re hopping back on a restrictive weight-loss plan, consider where you’ve struggled in the past. Make sure to evaluate those barriers to squash the vicious diet cycle!

Let’s help our clients & patients break that cycle. This weight loss program provides meal plans, recipes and meal prep tools along with calculators to determine energy needs. Each section walks the client through small gradual changes to make for long term weight loss success. Ideal for the client who is unable to commit to Nutrition Counseling due to time constraints. 

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