Are you a parent or therapist for a picky eater with sensory symptoms or oral motor issues?

Do any of these scenarios sound familiar?

  • You’re always Googling terms like “protein for kids with sensory processing disorder
  • You don’t know what protein to possibly offer a child who only eats crunchy foods.
  • You’d love to suggest a protein that isn’t a chicken nugget.
  • You’re worried about a client’s protein intake but don’t know how to fit it into a child’s specific texture preferences.
  • You’ve created a perfect healthy meal plan. Only to have your client tell you their child won’t eat a single food on it.

If yes, this list of healthy sensory-friendly proteins is for you.

Protein is a major struggle for kids with picky diets, oral-motor deficits, oral sensory symptoms, and sensory food aversions. You’re not alone in struggling in this area, too. Making sure a picky eater is getting the protein they need can be exhausting and exasperating.

After creating dozens of sensory protein lists for my parents of picky eaters I created the Sensory Protein Guide – a complete list of healthy protein ideas that picky eaters, problem feeders and kids with oral-motor delays, autism, and sensory processing disorder can actually eat.

Stop worrying about protein, and start feeding your child with confidence.  

The Sensory Protein Guide contains:

  • 100 healthy protein ideas
  • Protein suggestions for kids’ 4 most preferred food textures: crunchy, soft, smooth and creamy, and high sensory (big taste or texture)
  • Vegetarian and vegan options
  • Serving size guide
  • Ways to maximize nutrition so kids stay full and energized
  • Expert tips for adapting foods to fit a child’s sensory food preferences
  • 5 pages downloaded as a PDF

If you want to bump up your protein game with a comprehensive guide of sensory-friendly snacks, check out the Sensory Foods Handbook – a bundle of my 2 most popular picky eating resources.

You might also like: The Ultimate Sensory Snack Guide For Picky Eaters

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