Looking for a way to introduce your clients to Intuitive Eating? This presentation is for you! A nicely summarized intro to Intuitive Eating reviewing all 10 principles and how to ditch diet culture.

  • Includes speaker notes and frequently asked questions related to Intuitive Eating
  • Reviews commonly used words and phrases in the anti-diet world
  • Provides sample questions to pose to your audience to start interactive conversation 

This presentation is in PPT format for you to edit and adapt to meet your and your audience’s needs.

License: You may not share, sell, or distribute this file to others.  Printed files are permitted for use with clients in individual or group sessions only. If using this file in a presentation, slide deck or on social media platforms, please credit the creator as “Stephanie Dorfman, MS, RD” and tagging @Stephanie.Dorfman as appropriate.

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