I don’t know why I’m eating. I’m not even hungry. How often do we as dietitians hear this? “Well, are you bored, stressed, lonely, etc.?” we often ask. This worksheet can help you and your clients identify why they’re eating by using a hunger-fullness scale and a feeling wheel to help them identify emotions that may be contributing to their using food as a coping mechanism. 

This worksheet includes:

  • A one week snapshot for tracking pre-meal hunger & emotions for identifying patterns
  • A daily deep dive for tracking food/beverage intake, pre-/post-meal hunger, and emotions
  • An explanation sheet that guides you in how to use this worksheet

Also includes recommendations for hunger-fullness scales and feeling wheels to use alongside this worksheet.

This handout is great fit for

  • Disordered eating
  • Mindless eating
  • Weight loss
  • Improving one’s relationship with food

Use this worksheet to help your clients identify whether and when they’re using food as a coping mechanism.


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